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Art Society of Inverness

Ongoing Classes and Groups

(Please note that these classes are for MEMBERS ONLY and must be booked in advance using the form you will find in a relevant edition of ARTYFACTS, or in the case of on-line painting days via the approriate Facebook page or e-mail.)



Evening classes have been re-established at Inverness Creative Academy, WASPS Artists Studios, Midmills,  from 6.45 pm to 9.00 pm on Wednesday evenings (and Thursday evenings if there is enought interest). Jonathan gives advice and encouragement for any medium and the classes are very popular. 


In 2025, new blocks of 6 classs are starting on Wednesday 15th January and Thursday 16th January.


The cost for a six week block is now £72.00. Jonathan sets a theme for the classes, and participants supply their own materials and mostly their own subject matter. Jonathan sets useful exercises, tasks and challenges from time to time.  If interested please contact Jonathan.

NB. A useful way to keep in touch with the most up to date information on this group is to join the Facebook Group ASI Jonathan Shearers Classes and Workshops.



The painting days at Killearnan have resumed and will normally be held on the first Wedenesday of each month.  They run from 10:00 until 4:00 and you need to bring your own materials and subject matter (and lunch!).

The next painting day in September will be on Wednesday 18th September.

The cost is £30 for the day and Jonathan will guide you through your work on the day.

Please sign up either via Jonathan's Facebook page - "ASI Jonathan Shearer Classes and Workshops"  (you need to be a member of that group). Log in or sign up to view. See posts, photos and more on Facebook,

or send Jonathan an email  (

See some of the artists at work here.



The group meets on a Monday and Wednesday morning at the Merkinch Community Centre.  Good fun, good company and lots of encouragement and helpful advice. One or two mornings a week. 10 am - 12:30 pm. Followingthe pandemic the group restarted with good attendance through the autumn of 2021 and into 2022 and 2023.

This an untutored group, so everybody can do their own work. Great company with advice and tips from fellow members. You can come either day, or both. The new blocks of classes in January 2025 are running from Monday 6th January and Wednesday 8th January. The fees will be approx. £70  (£6 per day ) for those attending one day per week , and approximately £140 for two days per week (subject to confirmation depending on numbers). 

There's good parking at the Centre. There is a vending machine available for drinks, or you can take your own. New members most welcome.

Contact Sandra Dingwall, details on back page of Artyfacts.


Taster Sessions and Beginners Classes

In response to strong demand, and to help those who wish to take the plunge and develope their creativity, ASI has been organising some Taster Sessions and Beginners Classes starting in May 2021.

These have been held at Killearnan Church Hall and are always much appreciated by the participants. 

Here are the details of the beginners' classes for the classes starting January 2025 at Killearnan (evenings)

Tuesday 28/1/25 , 4/2, 11/2,

Break for the 18/2

Continuing:  25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3 and 25/3

There are a total of x8 classes for this term at a cost of £80. If any participant has £10 to carry forward, then it's £70.

Participants please let Michelle know a yes or no as soon as you can,  all regulars have priority , but there are a couple of folk on the waiting list as well.

Payment in the usual way please, but would you mark 'BEG' on payment reference. We have a new treasurer, so would you kindly let Michelle know what you have paid, so this can be passed  on to her to make it easier. Thank you!

A great project to start the first X3 weeks, acrylics preferably but watercolour all right too.

Please email Michelle to see if there are spaces, queries etc. (


NEW Half Day Daytime Classes

We are very pleased to be launching several different, exciting day time classes.  This first series is being run by Fiona Stewart, an artist based at WASPS and who studied theatre design at Edinburgh College of Art and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School.  Fiona has exhibited in London and throughout the UK. She was shortlisted for the John Byrne Award in 2023 and is gallery artist with the Lido Stores Margate and the Lilford Gallery in Canterbury.  These are Fiona’s Instagram and website:


These six classes are titled

“What artists see? - Highland Drawing Classes”

In these you will be introduced to the work of various contemporary and historical artists.

We will look at how these artists see the world through their influences, techniques and art.

We will learn about contemporary art and art history by making our own drawings inspired by their work.

These are all beginner friendly.

Artists covered will be:

Mary Feddon and still-Life
The Drawings of Van Gogh (Landscapes)
Re-imagining Place - Alex Katz Paper Collage
Matisse, Picasso, Klee & the Mono-Print
Georgia O’Keeffe Seashells
Coastal Collage - John Piper

When and where will these take place?

They are all on the following Tuesday mornings

4th March
18th March
1st April
22 April
6th May
20th May

10:00 - 12:30 (but please arrive ready to start at 10:00)

Please note that these are not every week.

What you will need to bring:

Most of the materials and equipment will be provided for you and you will just need to bring assorted charcoal; A3 or A4 sketchbook if you have one; hairspray (only if you are fixing you work); various sized watercolour flat and round watercolour brushes; putty rubber/eraser; images to work from (details will be provided); sea shells; and coloured/painted paper.  You may bring a drawing board, although these will be available.

Where this will take place:

The venue is Inverness Creative Academy (WASPS), Midmills Building, Stephen’s Street, Inverness, IV2 3JP

Car parking is very limited although there are several spaces reserved for anyone with a blue badge.  The nearest parking is in the Eastgate Centre Car Park.


The total cost for all six classes is £120 and this will need to be paid in advance.  This includes materials and we can only make a refund if a class is cancelled and cannot be rescheduled.

To book a place

Please email Fiona Morris (


Painting Days at Cromarty and Rosemarkie

Painting days have been held at  The Stables, Cromarty Arts Trust, Cromarty, under the direction of Jonathan Shearer on the first wednesday of June and July. Check here, and look out for the bulk e-mail, for the next opportunities. These last from 10:00 until 16:00.  The cost per day is typically £30 and you can pay on the day. You will need your own equipment and subject matter (and refreshments and lunch!).

Plein air painting days have been held at Rosemarkie on good weather days in 2021, 2022 and 2023.  These are normally led by Jonathan Shearer and start at 10:00.  The group meet by the beach cafe where useful public facilities are near to hand.  After an introductory talk and/or demo the group spread out to choose their viewpoints and set up their easels. Jonathan walks around the group advising and encouraging, and the group re-unite in the late afternoon for a review and critique of all the days works. Cost for the day £20. 

Some photos of artists at work in Rosemarkie can be seen here. 

Painting Weekend at Dornoch

Dornoch - West Church Hall
Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June 2025

It’s time to get excited about our Painting Weekend! This year we shall be based in the West Church Hall, which is at the first turning on the right as you drive into Dornoch along Evelix Road. Parking is found at the back of the building off Sutherland Road.
West Church Hall will give us a warm and dry base to work from and it will be up to you whether you choose to stay in the hall or go out and explore the area with some en plein air painting and sketching. There should be a wealth of opportunities in Dornoch to get your creative juices going!
Members who attend these painting weekends always go home having got to know some like minded artists, and with a renewed enthusiasm to get out and paint, so if you haven’t been before please come along! Tea and coffee will be provided but bring a packed lunch unless you intend to eat in the local cafés or pubs.
There is also the possibility of going on a History Links guided walk on Saturday morning, which promises to be interesting and will inevitably help in our search for places to paint. The walk takes approximately 1 1/2 hours and would cost £10.
If you could please let us know if you wish to take part and we will contact you if we need to take payment prior to the event.
If you wish to stay the night we suggest you look at booking something as soon as possible, it’s bound to be busy with the start of the tourist season. There is a campsite for tents, caravans and campervans.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Dornoch!
Belinda Johnson, Mira Staszowski, Jane Nestor Organisers
